Monday – June 19, 2023

Daily Mass

Monday – June 19, 2023

Today’s homily focuses on the theme of escalating evil and the consequences it brings. It explores the concept of vengeance and traces its progression throughout biblical texts, from Cain seeking revenge to the establishment of laws on vengeance in the Old Testament. However, it introduces a new level of existence and being brought by the teachings of Jesus, which challenge the notion of seeking revenge or resisting evil. The video emphasizes the path of forgiveness and love that Jesus teaches, contrasting it with the natural inclination towards violence and retaliation. It highlights the importance of receiving God’s grace, which enables individuals to transcend their limited capacities and embrace forgiveness and love. The speaker encourages viewers not to receive the grace of God in vain but to collaborate with His gifts, allowing them to transform their minds, hearts, and habits. The video also emphasizes the significance of living in the present moment and seeking God’s intervention and guidance in times of tribulation. It concludes by sharing a personal testimony of experiencing God’s grace in a specific trial, highlighting the transformative power of His gifts in our lives.

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Daily Homily

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