Junk in the Yard: Day Two – The Sin of Pride

Junk In The Yard 16x9

Junk in the Yard: Day Two – The Sin of Pride

Welcome, brothers and sisters, to our Lenten series entitled “Junk in the Yard.” In this series, we delve into the marks of the sin of pride and explore how we can emerge from certain attitudes with the grace of God. Often, we find ourselves stuck, unable to live in the freedom of the children of God, guided instead by the flesh, by the old man, rather than by the Holy Spirit.

Acknowledging our weaknesses, imperfections, and faults is the first step toward spiritual growth. Many of us struggle with hiding our mistakes, especially in the moral realm of our lives. We fall, we make mistakes, we sin, and we are weak. How we deal with our weaknesses and treat our fallen nature is crucial.

A prideful person is disappointed with themselves when they fall, unable to accept their imperfections. They may abhor the fact that they are fallen creatures, forgetting that imperfection is inherent in humanity. Through the lens of pride, we become discontented and even self-contemptuous when faced with our faults, especially when others point them out to us.

Some may even become disillusioned with religion, feeling that God hasn’t perfected them according to their own standards. However, this mindset reflects the marks of pride, which prevent us from welcoming and accepting God’s mercy into our lives.

To break free from the trap of pride, we must embrace humility and accept our imperfections. We are called to recognize that we are fallen creatures in need of constant purification and conversion. Rather than striving for unattainable perfection, we must approach God with humility, acknowledging our weaknesses and relying on His mercy.

During this Lenten season, let us view our mistakes and faults through the eyes of the love that the Lord offers us. Let us thank God for His perfect love, which embraces us as we are, imperfections and all. May we humbly accept our need for God’s mercy and strive to live following His will.

As we continue our Lenten journey, let us pray for the humility to recognize our ignorance, admit our mistakes, and welcome the guidance and correction that God offers us.

Junk in the Yard: Day Two – The Sin of Pride

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